If you have enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation to my preferred charity, the Myasthenia Gravis Association. Thank you.
Hey kids! Do you like crap? Do you like sci-fi and fantasy? Then you'll love Paul L. Mathews' unique brand of crap sci-fi and fantasy!
The December 2014 issue of the Galician e-zine Nova Fantasia features a reprint of my steampunk tale Enjoy the Silence.
Nova Fantasia's October 2014 issue includes a reprint of my WWI horror Ein Normales Leiben.
Unconventional Diplomacy, the new supplement for Cubicle 7's The Laundry RPG, features the scenario A Pocket Full of Priapus, as written by your ever lovin' author. It is available now from Cubicle 7's e-store.
2013/14 sees the release of Cultists Under the Bed, the latest sourcebook for Cubicle 7's veritable The Laundry RPG to feature some dirty linen by yours truly. See Cubicle 7's e-store for more details.The August 2012 issue of German sci-fi magazine Nova features the latest reprint of my steampunk tale Enjoy the Silence.
The new Zombies 2 anthology from those lovely folk at Accent UK includes the one page comic-strip iZombie, as brought to you in the finest Romero tradition by David Miles Golding and my good self.
Avaiable now, The Mythos Dossiers is a special collection of source material and background information for Cubicle 7's excellent The Laundry role-playing game. It also contains a wealth of material written by yours truly!
Children's Story
A toy monkey awakens to find his friends have vanished and the world stands on the cusp of oblivion. So he decides to find out why.
Mirror Dance, Spring 2012
The Deepening, April 2007
A German soldier finds redemption in this 6 page WWII comic-strip.
Available in Accent UK's Predators anthology.
In a sterile future, one man strives for a way to fulfill his most destructive desire. Art by my good friend James McLean!
Murky Depths magazine, issue #17.
Ein Normales Leben
In the year of our Lord 1915 a squad of German Cavalry ride into the Belgium town of Zandsteert. Will they survive the Merovingian horror that awaits them?
Nova Fantasia (Galician), October 2014
Estronomicon, October 2008
Enjoy the Silence
A steampunk inventor nears the completion of his Instantaneous Communication Machine. But why does his cat seem so determined to thwart him?
Nova Fantasia (Galician), December 2014
Indian Sci-Fi, December 2013
Revista SRSFF (Romanian language), October 2013
Nova (German language), August 2012
Nowa Fantastyka (Polish language), November 2007
The Willows, September 2007
SciFantastic, April 2006
The Deepening, January 2006
I Don't Remember
A man awakens in the hands of Prussian forces on an alien world. But just who is he, and what do his captors want from him? Find out in this steampunk comic illustrated by Dylan Williams.
Murky Depths magazine, issue #18.
Discover the dangers of staying up late with a computer in this one page zombie comic. Art by David Miles Golding.
Available in Accent UK's Zombies 2 anthology.
Kings and Queens
A mad king hunts angels and devils alike in pursuit of a singular obsession. But is that obsession so complete he would risk losing his kingdom and his wife?
Twisted Tongue, November 2007
The Deepening, April 2006
Little Sister
122 AD. A Roman general tracks an alchemist to the depths of Germania Superior. Find out why in this historical fantasy.
Mirror Dance, Autumn 2011
Parallel tales of an automaton prize-fighter, a down-at-heel forger, and a magic banknote become entwined in this steampunk fantasy.
Pantechnicon, Issue #10
On The Air
Can Derek Ramsbottom survive Doctor Springer's televised surgery?
Twisted Tongue, October 2009
Strict Machine
All is full of jaundiced love between a Prussian General and her lover in this 6 page steampunk comic-strip. Art by the excellent Dexter Wee!
Murky Depths magazine, issue #12.
The Day the Earth Struck Back!
Earth battles an alien invasion in this comic strip homage to the finest of fifties B-movies! Art by Jim Lavery.
FutureQuake magazine, issue #22.
A magician fights a cruel and unusual fatigue whilst pursued by a monstrous enemy.
Nowa Fantastyka (Polish language), October 2010
My new novel, Nacht Kind is complete and seeking representation...
...Also, keep your eyes peeled for more tabletop related goodness, none of which the NDA police will allow me to disclose, hint at or otherwise acknowledge!
Talking Turkey
A brilliant and funny article, edited by Bruce Sterling, which details the common mistakes made by novice writers. And before you ask, yes, I've made all of 'em. Repeatedly.
Worried About Copyright?
Dispel your fears with this useful guide from the UK Copyright Service.
Show, Don't Tell
If, like me, you're continually perplexed by the vagaries of Show, Don't Tell, you may find this illuminating.
What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, right? Well, not according to the writer of this article, to whom a decent name for your story is of paramount importance (as in it can make a difference between a piece being published or not).
Market Tips and Publishers
For those of you looking for prospective markets for your writing, I heartily recommend Ralan.com—a veritably treasure trove of magazines, e-zines, anthologies and publishers. My rejection pile would be much poorer without it... You may also like to have a look at Duotrope.
Said Book-isms and Dialogue Tags
For the record, I think 'said' is the most insipid word in the world, and it bores me shitless. I love a good 'enthused', or 'uttered' or 'sighed'. Editors disagree, however, and so does the writer of this article, so I suck it up and use 'said' whenever I can. Yawn.
Manuscript Format
Presenting your work correctly can only improve your chances of publication (or so I'm told). So check out this useful guide to the do's and don'ts of short-story manuscript formatting. Follow your nose and you'll also find similair tips for novels, poems etc.
Online Dictionary
If there's one thing every writer needs, it's someone to massage their ego. If there are two things every writer needs, it's someone to massage their ego, and a good dictionary. My online dictionary of choice can be found here. An excellent site, it features a dictionary, thesaurus, grammar guides, style-sheets, an encyclopedia and more. Well worth checking out.
OSC's Guide to Everything
Not only does Orson Scott Card write fine books, but he also has a neat website. You may find this section in particular pretty useful, as there are a plethora of handy tips, hints and answers to every question a young writer may wish to ask (apart from "Why does everybody hate my work?")
Elements of Style
It's a bit long in the tooth now, but Strunk's Elements of Style is still considered a definative text. You can find the full version here.
The Em Dash
For the longest time I was confused by the mysteries of the Em dash. Avoid similiar confusion by reading this article.
Writers Write
I don't like to lecture people who say they want to write and then don't because they're dreamers, bone-idol etc. That's their problem. But if you genuinely want to write, but you're afraid to, or daunted, or think you're unworthy/rubbish, then this article pretty much sums up my attitude, and approach to Getting. Things. Done.
The Query Letter
For those of who've taken a step further than me (ie: Written a book that didn't end up in the bin!), you may be considering hawking it around to an agent. In that case, this article may be of some use to you. It details the anatomy of a perfect query. Read it, inwardly digest...and copy!
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